Articles & Book Chapters

"Scarf, Shapley, and Shubik's Applications of 'the Core' to General Equilibrium". History of Political Economy, forthcoming.


"Karl Marx's reading of Adam Smith", with Duncan K. Foley. Homo Oeconomicus 41.

"The dynamics of international exploitation", with Roberto Veneziani and Naoki Yoshihara. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 56 (5).
"Addendum to The dynamics of international exploitation."


"Prediction and Description in Marxian Value Theory". New School Economic Review 12.

"The Allocation of Social Labor and 'Marx's Identities' - a Rejoinder to Rieu and Park". Marxism 21 20 (4).

"Marx's Equalised Rate of Exploitation". Cambridge Journal of Economics 47 (1).

"Surplus Value and the Allocation of Social Labor"Marxism21 20 (1).


"Putting labour values to work", with Roberto Veneziani and Naoki Yoshihara. Acta Oeconomica 72 (S1).
PDF of Accompanying Mathematica Notebook

"Computational Methods and Classical-Marxian Economics", with Roberto Veneziani and Naoki Yoshihara. Journal of Economic Surveys 36 (2).
Online read-only version

"International Exploitation, Capital Export, and Unequal Exchange", with Soh Kaneko, Roberto Veneziani, and Naoki Yoshihara. In Z. Cope and I. Ness (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Economic Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


"Exploitation, skills, and inequality", with Roberto Veneziani and Naoki Yoshihara. Review of Social Economy 77 (2).
"Addendum to Exploitation, skills, and inequality."
Below is a short video summarizing key takeaways from the paper:


"Surplus Value Production and Realization in Marxian Theory - Applications to the U.S., 1990-2015". Review of Political Economy 30 (4).
"Addendum to Surplus Value Production and Realization in Marxian Theory."


"The Dynamics of Exploitation and Class in Accumulation Economies", with Roberto Veneziani and Naoki Yoshihara. Metroeconomica 67 (2).
"Addendum to The Dynamics of Exploitation and Class in Accumulation Economies"

"Agent-Based Computational Economics: Simulation Tools for Heterodox Research", with Xiao Jiang. In F. Lee and B. Croning (Eds.), Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Heterodox Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Working Papers

"The Dynamics of International Exploitation", with Roberto Veneziani and Naoki Yoshihara.
"Addendum to The Dynamics of International Exploitation"
PDF of Mathematica Notebook for Simulations

"Technical change and profitability in general economies with fixed capital and differential profit and wage rates", with Peter Flaschel and Roberto Veneziani.
"Addendum to Technical change and profitability in general economies with fixed capital and differential profit and wage rates."
PDF of Mathematica Notebook for Simulations

"Marx's Equalized Rate of Exploitation". University of Massachusetts Boston, Economics Department Working Paper N.2021-01.

"An Account of 'the Core' in Economic Theory". Duke University, Center for the History of Political Economy Working Paper N.2019-17.

"Exploitation, skills, and inequality", with Roberto Veneziani and Naoki Yoshihara. Dickinson College, Department of Economics Working Paper N.2018-01.

"Surplus Value Production and Realization in Marxian Theory - Applications to the U.S., 1990-2015", Surplus Value Production and Realization in Marxian Theory - Applications to the U.S., 1987-2015" Dickinson College, Department of Economics Working Paper N.2017-01.

"An Agent-Based Approach to Classical-Marxian Value Theory and Labor Mobility", October 15, 2012.

"Smith's 'Perfect Liberty' and Marx's Equalization Rate of Surplus Value." The New School for Social Research, Department of Economics Working Paper N.08/2011.