I am Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Boston. I received a Ph.D. in Economics from the New School for Social Research in 2013 (completed under the supervision of Duncan Foley) and hold a B.A. in Economics from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst. Recently, I have been a Research Fellow at the Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University and the Archivist for Duke's Economists' Papers Archive.
My research interests include: Classical/Marxian Political Economy; Computational Methods, particularly simulation modeling and agent-based modeling, but also methods in Computational Social Science more broadly; Exploitation Theory, including the relationship between exploitation and measurements of inequality; the History of Economic Thought, particularly the history of general equilibrium theory and computation of equilibrium; and Macroeconomics with a focus on growth, distribution, and climate change.
I have co-authored with Peter Flaschel, Duncan Foley, Reiner Franke, Nils Fröhlich, Xiao Jiang, Soh Kaneko, Roberto Veneziani, and Naoki Yoshihara.
My teaching expertise includes: Microeconomics; Macroeconomics; Political Economy; Research Methods, including computational techniques and simulation modeling; Social Choice and Welfare, including social and economic justice, equity, and inequality; the History of Economic Thought; Mathematical Economics; and International Political Economy.