Exploitation & Inequality

I have a new article out — “Exploitation, skills, and inequality” — in the Review of Social Economy, which is co-authored with Roberto Veneziani (at Queen Mary University of London) and Naoki Yoshihara (at UMass Amherst). The article explores the relationships between exploitation and standard measurements of income and wealth inequality in light of recent Read More …

Transfers of Surplus Value

I have a paper appearing in latest issue of the Review of Political Economy that explores some implications of Marx’s theory of the circulation of capital and commodities in capitalist economies, or what is often referred to as his circuit of capital. The paper is titled “Surplus Value Production and Realization in Marxian Theory – Applications to Read More …

Welcome to my new website & blog

I’m rolling out a redesign of my website to make my research and teaching materials more accessible, and to start engaging with the public discourse a bit more, hence this blog. I’ll be blogging about my research and other things that interest me periodically, so stay tuned for more updates shortly.